Lin Eno
Artist's Biography

I am 70 years old and have painted, off and on, all my life in several mediums. My husband is retired Army and we traveled extensively with his Military Career. I spent 24 years in Harrison School District as a Health Para Professional working with children.
As a child growing up in South Texas, I dreamed of traveling the world and seeing the Great Masters works. I have been fortunate enough to fulfill that dream by seeing the Louvre in Paris, Vatican in Rome, Pompeii and many, many more beautiful places filled with art. I have seen the great Masters' works and feel I have learned a lot.
After retiring, I have picked back up my brushes and was lucky enough to meet Howell Poucher. He has taught me so much in 3 short years. I sometimes marvel at what I can produce. I enjoy painting for the pleasure of producing things people seem to enjoy. Things that remind them of a time or place that brought them happiness.
Even though we lost Howell, several of his students still get together to paint and carry on with what he taught us. It a true honor to exhibit the art he taught me to paint.