Jenny's Haberdashery is a virtual collaboration of creative individuals to experience and share their work.
What is a haberdashery?
Historically, a haberdashery was a hat shop, and a haberdasher was a person dedicated to the fitting and sales of fine hats.
If you don't sell hats, then why is it called a haberdashery?
After watching the film "The Hateful Eight," by Quinton Tarantino, Jenny was inspired by "Minnie's Haberdashery," which transmutated the meaning of a haberdshery into a place for travelers to refresh their supplies, eat, and enjoy the conversation with the person next to them. Our haberdashery is, however, not beset with the same tone. Rather, the mission of Jenny's Haberdashery is to supply a landing place for creative individuals to present their pieces, offer a service, and enjoy reading some prose. So, grab your latte', and we hope you enjoy.